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Reminiscence Sessions at Coalville Library

Reminiscence Sessions at Coalville

Our Reminiscence project at Coalville library was a fantastic opportunity for participants living with dementia, and their carers, to reminisce and connect to memory through museum objects, music and books.

In teaming up with Age UK to deliver the six sessions during their weekly coffee mornings, we were able to reach out to those who would most benefit from the sessions. We were excited to also be joined by Leicester Musical Memory Box who delivered a Singing Café and showcased ‘Playlist for Life’ – a playlist of personally meaningful music which can help people living with dementia.

Each week participants enjoyed a different theme and were able to handle a range of objects and books relating to them; ‘Beside the Seaside’, ‘Childhood Memories’, ‘Work and Leisure’ and ‘The Great Outdoors’. Many fantastic memories and conversation were sparked; from how to milk a cow, to using the ‘ticket clicker’ as a bus conductor and going down a simulated mine as a Health and Safety representative!

Feedback from those attending demonstrated the impact on both the participants living with dementia and their carers, with the sessions offering much-needed respite for the latter and the opportunity for both to be really ‘listened’ to. Participants felt the sessions really gave them a greater sense of wellbeing with one saying “It aided my wellbeing, which I needed at the moment”.



Did You Know?

Pictures to Share, the collection of books used in these sessions, are available to borrow from Leicestershire Libraries.

Check out the collection for yourself on the Leicestershire Libraries online catalogue.

For further information about the project, please contact Catherine Overton, Community Participation Worker on: 0116 3052507. Email: