Sikh Herstories
We are delighted to be working with some amazing Community Curators at Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre. We’re exploring heritage, history and culture, in ways which work for our participants.
Project Background
The Culture Leicestershire team supports outreach to local communities and works with them to share their heritage and culture. The Sikh Women in History project is part of our audience development work at Bosworth Battlefield’s Heritage Centre, Leicestershire. The small temporary exhibition gallery offers a great opportunity for visitors to learn about local history and to show that English heritage is much broader than people realise.
A new exhibition
Medieval women forging the way: Influential women of the Sikh world and beyond.
There are close links in history between the Battle of Bosworth in Leicestershire (1485) and the beginnings of Sikh faith in Punjab (1469). Much is known about the powerful women of the Wars of the Roses, and this exhibition explores their medieval peers in Punjab; the paths they forged for generations of Sikh women around the world.
Culture Leicestershire has worked with a local Sikh women’s group who have researched significant Sikh women from the 15th Century to the present day. Discover the stories of remarkable resilience, courage, and service throughout history. Find out more about women who have changed lives in this unique co-curated exhibition.
The exhibition includes:
- Ten new portraits of inspiring Sikh women through history, created by members of the community.
- A timeline to compare what was happening around the world during significant points in history.
- A short film about the group’s work with a creative practitioner.
- Objects which support the life stories of the Sikh women.
- An opportunity to share your own reflections about inspirational women.
Watch this short film to find out more about the exhibition.
The free exhibition runs from 21st April 2024 until the end of October 2024. Parking charges apply.
For more information about Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre visit https://www.bosworthbattlefield.org.uk/
Explore our journey

Bosworth exhibition e-zine
Find out more about the life stories of 60 inspiring Sikh women from the 15th Century to the present day.
Find out more about 'Bosworth exhibition e-zine'
Bosworth Medieval Medley 2023
Bosworth Medieval Medley 2023 At this year’s Bosworth Medley, the Sikh Community Curators provided a hands-on opportunity to learn about Sikh heritage through historic headwear. The first Sikh Guru was...
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Which Sikh women inspire you?
Watch these short videos to hear about Sikh women who have inspired members of our community.
Find out more about 'Which Sikh women inspire you?'
Women’s History Month Event
The Sikh Community Curators invited three high-profile Sikh women to speak about their lives and careers and the women who have inspired them.
Find out more about 'Women’s History Month Event'