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Wigston Library’s Multi-Sensory SEND Project

The second year of our Creative Expression in Libraries Projects has begun, and we’ve had so much fun in our multi-sensory project workshops at Wigston Library!

Our overall aim for this project is to engage a group of participants in co-creating a multi-sensory resource that can be used in the library for the longer term. We’ve been lucky enough to work with a fantastic group of Key Stage Two SEND pupils from Little Hill Primary School and have an excellent Creative Practitioner on board – Rachel Scanlon.

Rachel uses the Reggio Emilia educational philosophy in her work with children and this has meant  the five workshops we’ve recently held at the library have been open, experiential and directed by the children themselves. In real terms this has meant lots of free play as well as painting, drawing and experimenting with clay and shadow puppets!

Our workshops have now drawn to a close and Rachel will use all the children’s ideas collated over the five weeks, to create two sensory outputs in the shape of giant pop-up books. Rachel will be making a final visit into Little Hill Primary for the children to decorate these at the end of November.

Watch this space for news of our events using these fantastic sensory outputs, which will be coming up in 2025!


Get involved

Community Participation Workers within the Culture Leicestershire team manage the work of Creative Practitioners, providing support, direction, and advice.
Catherine Overton is the Community Participation Worker managing this project. Please email or call with any informal enquiries:

0116 3052507