The Project
Our Ambition
Dementia is a worldwide problem that has been ignored by many. According to the Alzheimer's society, there are currently 850,000 people in the UK that are living with Dementia and this number is expected to rise to 1.6 million by 2040. These numbers speak for themselves and are staggering to say the least and it is known that there is still no cure to all types of dementia. Our aim for this project was to develop an interactive memory game to help maintain users focus and strengthen their cognitive abilities through the use of narratives, sounds and famous landmark images. The team have worked closely with our clients discussing ideas, receiving continuous feedback on how we can improve the game and implementing suitable features required that aid those who would be using the product.
Our Values
We believe that our work should be carried out in a honest, transparent and efficient way, adhering to ethical and moral principles in place.
We are responsible for our work, ensuring that we take ownership of what we produce and our actions, performance and decision making.
User experience
We value our consumers experience and demonstrate this through an intuitive UI to aid accessibility.
What software did we use?
➋ CSS3
➌ p5js JavaScript
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*Sources: Alzheimer's Society. 2021. How many people have dementia and what is the cost of dementia care? [online]