Taking part gave me something to look forward to with my friends. We worked together really well, even though some of us are very introverted, everyone got involved. I liked working with the adults, they were very understanding and patient. I learnt that I am good at photography and how to use Photoshop. I also enjoyed the creative writing and print making. I wish it could have gone on longer! - Young Volunteer
Melton Carnegie Museum Young Volunteers
Our relationship with Long Field Spencer Academy has gone from strength to strength since their involvement at a Community Engagement event at Melton Carnegie Museum back in October 2022.
In response to the feedback received from the young people who volunteered their time at this event, the Cultural Participation Team commissioned LongBrow Productions to work creatively with students and helped them to co-curate their own exhibition. “Make your Mark!” is the culmination and creative output of their 5 week project and students proudly attended their very own launch event back in February 2023.

Further opportunities presented themselves, and several students went on to sign up and volunteer 54 hours of their time supporting family activities taking place at the Museum during the February half term. Young volunteers encouraged visitors to engage and respond to the Mark Your Mark! exhibition which is currently on display at Melton Carnegie Museum.

Students involved in the project have all received special Volunteer Profiles and Certificates acknowledging their contributions and achievements. They have also worked with us to create a short film about their project, attended a Volunteer Sharing Event at County Hall and are collaborating with us to create an online exhibition to ensure the legacy of their project is enjoyed and accessible to others.
We are really pleased to be supporting Long Field Spencer Academy with volunteering opportunities for their students. It is a great way to involve young people in the museum and helps us understand how we can make heritage and cultural activities more relevant and interesting to them. We want to continue building on this positive engagement, so watch this space to see what exciting project develops next!